Why We say “Health is Wealth”

3 min readOct 31, 2020

An American philosopher, Ralph Waldo Emerson in 1860 wrote that “the first wealth is health” which is actually true! If you will be healthy, you will be free from diseases and will feel active all the day long. You will have positive thoughts in your mind that will keep you calm.

But ask yourself, are you healthy? Do you need some more minutes to complete your sleep or do you feel lazy while performing any task during the day? Do have problem in vision? Can you concentrate well in your studies? Are you experiencing a full stomach?

If these are some of the events you are experiencing in your daily life then you aren’t healthy. You are either facing some issues such as diabetes, high blood pressure, indigestion, dry skin, stress and depression. However, if you enhance your dietary habits you can improve your health.

Indulging Healthy Habits

  1. Start with waking up early in the morning

People with an early morning routine tend to be boosted with energy as you start day with a great routine. You have ample time to plan and complete your tasks of the day. You will notice a change in the stress levels, you will start to feel more positive as you were earlier.

2. Exercise

We generally perform exercises at home especially when its COVID time and we are at our homes. You are putting great efforts though but try to follow the exercise routine as recommended by your trainer or fitness expert. If you don’t have one search it on a search engine and you will find a trainer nearby your area. Why to take advice from an expert because each of our body is different from another person.

3. Eat a Balanced Diet

80% of our health covers up in whatever we eat in our meal in a day. Most of you eat 3 meals a day or 5 meals a day but do you know how much calories you are eating along with it? Many of us don’t know about it may be because we are too busy with our all the day stuff or maybe we have got a bad habit to avoid healthy foods. In the next blog, I will discuss more about health and nutrition.

4. Know your body

Don’t you drink a glass of water when you feel thirsty? Or don’t you want to grab a snack when you say I feeling hungry while being at work? If yes then understand that your body gives you indication for it’s needs. Similarly, when you find that your skin is drying too fast even if its not a cold season then you have deficiency of Omega 3 or if you have hairfall then it means you have to add biotins in your diet.

5. Stay True

See, you will only be able to achieve anything if you will not cheat with yourself. If you will eat delicacies that could affect your health then you will not be able to stay fit. Yes you can have a cheat day of course but not everyday should be your cheat meal day!


Proper knowledge of foods can help you to understand the causes as to why your body is prone to health issues. Considering that you are already fit and fine, then what are the factors that can make you feel young and energetic even when you reach age of above 50.




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